Guided meditation/visualization

Meditation is linked to many emotional and overall health benefits, which makes it an excellent exercise to reduce stress and anxiety and increase calmness in your group.

How to

  1. Prepare the space:
    • Make sure everyone is comfortable in the room/on the call; they may turn off their video if they wish.
    • Play gentle music if possible.
    • Ask everyone to go on “do not disturb” to minimize distraction.
  1. Encourage the group to close their eyes and focus on their breath as you guide them through the meditation.
  2. Read the meditation.
  3. As you near the end of the meditation, ask the group to take one more deep breath, slowly open their eyes, wiggle their toes/fingers, turn their video back on, and return to the call.
  4. If you have time, ask the group how the meditation was for them. They can respond in the chat or vocally (depending on the group size).

What we like about it

Meditation and visualization exercises don’t require tools or much time; they’re accessible anywhere and just a few minutes can make a huge difference for our mental and emotional health.

This can be a great way to bring a group together into a shared mental space. We like using the visualization exercise with teams that are working towards a shared vision of something over an extended period of time. The visualization exercise is a great way to infuse energy and remind people what they’re working towards when the work starts to get repetitive or the group is tired.

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