Have a kickstarter idea? Share it with us.

Activities and ideas to help teams feel connected, energized and ready for productive meetings.

What we’re looking for

How to submit

Submit your idea by emailing us at kickstarters@habaneroconsulting.com and include the following things:

What to include in your email

  • Subject line: New meeting kickstarter submission
  • Name of your meeting kickstarter
  • Audience size
  • Short description of your meeting kickstarter
  • Your name and title if you want to be credited (We love to give credit to all our contributors!)

Here's an example

New meeting kickstarter submission
Meeting Superstar
New meeting kickstarter submission

Hey there! Here's my meeting kickstarter idea:

Name: Camera on, camera off

Short description: Get to know your teams members and spark conversation in a remote environment by embracing the tools that allow us to connect with one another.

Audience size: 1-20 people

What I like about it: This activity allows team members to better get to know one another by igniting water-cooler conversation we don't naturally have in a virtual setting.


  1. Ask meeting participants to turn off their cameras
  2. Present a series of statements, one at a time, for example:
    • I'm an early riser
    • I'm a winter person
    • I've been at my company for over 5 years
    • I have a pet
    • I have a sweet tooth
    • I can play a musical instrument
    • I play a sport
  3. If the statement is true for them, as them to turn on their camera and share an explanation
  4. Prepare follow-up questions as there might not be natural space for discussion
  5. Proceed through statements until everyone has had an opportunity to turn their camera on and respond to at least one statement

Feel free to credit me!


Meeting Superstar
Interaction Designer, Habanero Consulting Inc.

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